
Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

Bringing up a child is always a challenge to all parents. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to make things better for them they seem not to work as planned. Parenting can be a tough responsibility especially if you have to do it alone. The dilemma of single parents is when the child is starting to ask questions about their parents who are not present and seems not fulfilled with the given answer or explanation.

A single mom or dad can only do so much to fill the longing in every child’s heart but there is still a part of them that is somehow missing – and that is the presence of a complete family. We may not ask for it but sometimes, a problem caused by broken families may develop certain insecurity to a child thus manifests in his personality when he or she grows up. Since they already have a mind of their own, they tend to do things independently and at times neglected the advice of their parents or guardians. 

That is why there is Morningside Recovery to give the needed assistance to people who have lost their life’s direction. Every lost child should find their way back and they can only do so if there are parents who are willing to guide them and the community to supports and accepted them for what they really are. After all, everyone deserves a second chance, right?


  1. Its really different to be cared for by only one parent, no matter how much that parent tries... Although it is better to have one loving parent than two dysfunctional ones.

  2. Its really different to be cared for by only one parent, no matter how much that parent tries... Although it is better to have one loving parent than two dysfunctional ones.


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