
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting

As a part of being concerned with Macky's well being, I always attend to every school activity that is required of me as a guardian. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting is actually part of a regular activity in Macky's school. Attending activities such as this one is one way of knowing Macky's performance in school, that is why I always take the chance to be present whenever I can.

He is already in 6th grade so I was required to attend the meeting for graduating students after the general PTA meeting. The teacher - facilitator discussed about the graduation fees and the possible yearbook solicitation and expenses. It is better to discuss it earlier for the parents to know and prepare for it since the required payment is P5,000.

I got Macky's card after the PTA Meeting but I was requested by his teacher to stay. Sir Jade talked about Macky's academic performance in the class. He didn't belong to the top ten this grading period but was included in the list of students who do not have grades below 80. Although academically Macky is doing quite well, there is concern on his attitude in school.

Sir Jade have  discussed to me about Macky's attitude wherein he was caught answering back to his teachers in a very discourteous manner. I am not surprise by it because Macky has the tendency to be like that sometimes. His teacher and I agreed to do several things to help Macky change this kind of attitude.

I talked to Macky calmly  about what I have learned that day. He admitted about what he did and explained his side but I told him that whatever the reason maybe, he should not answer his teacher that way. He asked for apology and promised to ask forgiveness from his teachers the next day. Macky's father was so furious after knowing about it but I told him that scolding Macky will not do any good, that is why he talked to Macky with composure. 

We find the situation like this very challenging and I wish that Macky's parents were here to guide him. His teacher has told me about how Macky misses his mother and father and I think this somehow have a great effect on Macky's attitude and performance in school.

I blog about this with Macky's permission. He want to take the situation as a challenge and he want me to document it here in this blog for him to be reminded of his commitment to change for the better. I am so looking forward for that day Kuya Macky. You know that we love you and we will always be here to listen.


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