
Macky Is On Vacation at General Santos City

Aside from the summer break, one of the most anticipated vacation from school is the semestral break which is usually scheduled during All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Macky usually spends semestral  breaks here at home playing basketball or hanging out with his neighbor friends but this time, he opted to spend it with his mom at General Santos City.

He was so excited about the idea of spending his break with his mom and cousins in Gensan that is why he initiated to coordinate with his grandmother first without letting his father know about it. Macky's father did not approve the idea of the GenSan vacation but since his grandmother is already on her way to fetch Macky the day he asked permission, my brother did not have any choice but to allow Macky to go with his grandma.

Macky chillin' with his mom...
Despite his parent's situation, Macky is trying to live a normal life and as a good son to them.  At his age, he understood the kind of life they have as family and although, he may not approve it, he have already learned to accept  the fact that they have to live separately. He still dreams of reuniting his parents in the future but he knows that it will happen in God's perfect time.

I haven't heard from Macky since the day he went for vacation last week and as much as possible, I also do not want to bother him. The house is quiet without him and we missed him already. We are so excited to see him again a few days from now. I know he has a lot of exciting stories to tell about his vacation and the grand time he spent with his mom and his cousins.


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