
Thank You and Goodbye Mang Dolpy

I can't help but being overwhelmed by deep sadness upon hearing about Mang Dolphy's death. I may not know him or saw him personally, but the fact remains that he has been part of our household for so many years. The laughter that he shared with us helped us forget our problems and somehow unites our family in every show that we watched together.

Photo grabbed from HERE

Mang Dolphy, thank you for  generously sharing not just your talent, but your life to the nation. You will always be in our hearts  forever. We thank God for your life and for being such a blessing to all of us. Goodbye Mang Dolphy. May you rest in the loving arms of our creator.


  1. another DOLPHY fan here.. may he rest in peace..

  2. may he rest in peace.

    Dropping by from Wednesday Whites…Boy in Diaper , Coffee, Petite and Yummy Ice Cream

  3. He will always be a legend.. walay nay makatupong nya sa pagkacomedian..

    May he rest in peace

  4. he was indeed a "star." he will always be remembered! visiting from WW! hope you can drop by mine too: http://hnhlabz.com/2012/07/11/white-sheets/

  5. That was really sad but life is not forever:( He was a very good comedian..

    Visiting for WW- hope you can stop by..


  6. His death shocked all his fans talaga ate Rovs. :( He is one of the comedians I will never forget..

  7. I purposedly refused to watch any tribute on tv because i know i will cry myself a river! :(

  8. Yes....DOLPHY will remain in the hearts of many people whom he entertained with his comic acts for so many years. He's such one great man that the whole nation will never forget!

    Musta Sis?

  9. i know... i am overwhelmed myself. he lived such a full life and made every Filipino proud. RIP,Dolphy! Thanks for joining last week's WW, Rovs!


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