
Macky and His Chubby Cheeks

How time flies! Almost two years ago, my eldest nephew was just a little kid to my eyes. He is the typical “cute” kid who has a fatty body and chubby cheeks. Looking back, two years is considerably not that long ago but the changes in Macky’s physical feature have been very noticeable. Thanks to the presence of digital and cellular phone cameras for the accurate documentation. 

April 2011

December 2013
Just two years ago, our Kuya Macky was so sweet and he would even allow me to kiss his chubby cheeks but now, he look like a grown up man at 14 and he'll be embarrassed if I show him affection especially in front of his friends. He would often say “ayaw na Tita kay dako nako”.

Sometimes, I wish he would never grow up so I can kiss and cuddle him anytime I want without him complaining. LOL. I know I should learn to accept the fact that my dear nephew is growing independently although I can't help but be overprotective sometimes. He may be grown up but to me, he will always be a little kid.


  1. Haha, just like my twelve-year old. Can't even hug him now. Macky has really grown, already a teenager pala.

  2. Awww! I can tell how much you love and adore your nephew, Sis! Too bad they won't remain to be a baby, eh? I feel the same with my own nieces and nephews and even my kiddos! That's why it is always best to make the most of it while they're huggable and kissable and while they'll let us do so! LOL.

    Thanks for linking up, Sis! :)

  3. Whattt? Is this Macky now? He has grown up so tall and so big! How long have I been in absentia at this blog, Teh?


    It's either I have gotten so old quick or his hormones is is just too fast. LOL!

    Anyways, it's good you're able to drink him in while he was younger. Now we can't stop the clock from ticking and his way is only to manhood.

    May he grow up to be one decent man the same way he was raised by his kin.



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